Letter to my students

Buried under documents in the Principal's office, I would like to hear the stories, intersect the lives of the students at my school.

Il preside che vorrei.

Francesco Verderosa

Dirigente Scolastico


Il preside che vorreiDear Student,

I have a sincere desire to hear your voice more closely and to better understand your story, your aspirations, and the challenges you face every day.

Communicating and sharing, not only for you but also for me, is important to be more effective in my role as the principal of the school you attend.

I would like to build a direct bridge to me: you can freely express thoughts, concerns, suggestions, or even successes you wish to share.

Write me an email!

My address is francesco.verderosa@cpia1roma.edu.it

It may seem formal, but I assure you that I will read every message you send me with care. Whether it’s an idea to improve our school, a personal problem affecting your academic performance, or something that’s close to your heart, I want to listen to you.

My door is always open to you.

Getting in touch is the first step towards building a school community together, where every student feels valued and understood.

I hope to hear from you soon and to start a dialogue that can enrich our educational experience.



Francesco Verderosa

Principal, CPIA 1 of Rome

Foto del Dirigente Scolastico Francesco Verderosa

So you students, who do not know me, can get in touch with me.


Sede Amministrativa e didattica – Via Cortina

Via C.A. Cortina, 70 - 00159 Roma

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